Sunday, August 8, 2010

30 Day Letter Challenge--Day Twenty-Two: To Someone You Want to Give a Second Chance to

Dear ****,

I still don't really know what happened last year. I'm sorry for my punk-ass way of trying (and subsequently run away from succeeding) at addressing it. I hate the way we half-smile and wave like we're cool but we're not. 
I think you're a cool guy. I liked when we were friends. I was loopy and hopeful and over-the-top last year (I tend to do that), but I'm totally over that now, promise. I kind of miss hanging out with you though.
Today was your birthday. I almost didn't write on your Wall, because I'm always unsure about initiating interactions with you. But then I manned up and did it, and I'm glad I did because you wrote back to me rather nicely, like nothing was weird. It made me smile.
So I don't usually give second chances. But I guess I want to give you one. Or, maybe you to give me one. Or us to give each other second chances. Just to be friends again. Or at least friendly. :]


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