Monday, August 15, 2011

Made my day:

From a post on Thought Catalog about the things women in their 20s need to cease and desist immediately:
"6. Stop getting stupid tattoos in cursive writing on your rib cages, wrists, and necks that say things like “live” or “breathe” or “love” or “pestilence” in another language
Your body is not the inside cover of your 8th grade notebook—treat it accordingly."

on. the. floor.


  1. Are you against tattoos completely, or just inane ones like those? (You can say "completely" - I won't mind.)

    As a woman raised in a strict Christian household where spanking was the primary form of discipline, I like tattoos as a way of (re)claiming my body as my own, whether frivolously or meaningfully.

    Yeah, I think that particular trend of tattoos is silly, but ultimately: your body, your choice. What the fuck do I care what other girls are doing? It's none of my concern.

  2. I generally dislike tattoos, but I don't know if I'd go as far as to say I'm AGAINST them. Everyone has the right to do whatever they'd like with their bodies--I just suppose that, if one is going to get something permanent to prominently display on their skin, it would be nice if it had some clear meaning, imo. I just loved the way this was phrased.
    Personally, I just cannot imagine anything I could want on my body at 21 that I will still want on my body at 81. I can't really even imagine anything I'd want permanently on my body for the next like, 5 years...
