Saturday, September 10, 2011

A revolutionary concept: "Power through candor."

I'm pretty sure that's what I aspire to practice every single day. I'm excited to share in Lidia-Anain's new project, SexLoveJoy, a platform dedicated to that concept, specifically through:
  • Women candidly answering difficult questions about sexuality, gender, love, relationships and life.
  • Women revealing their secret desires, fears, thoughts and struggles.
  • Women celebrating sexuality, gender, love and relationships in ALL their forms.
  • Women exposing common threads that unite us as women.
  • Women promoting respect for the differences among us by building AND maintaining a SAFE venue for ALL women to tell their stories.
  • Women being brave, candid and sharing our power with one another.
According to the website, "SexLoveJoy is a video web series and collection of essays in which brave women fearlessly share and talk about things most keep hidden away in their secret places."
That sounds like exactly my cup of tea. If you'd like to get involved, use my referral link! 

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