Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The only thing that really scares me about living in this house all by myself

is that I have the most terrifying basement known to mankind. I went down there on my tour when I came to check the place out, and even the housemate who gave me the tour said she ONLY goes down there to do laundry or when a fuse goes out. If my memory serves me correctly and hasn't overly embellished to match my frightened state of being, there's like, sawdust on the floor and a single light bulb hanging from the ceiling and a very lonely washer and dryer sitting in the corner. Oh, how I wish my laundry basket wasn't full. 

If you don't get a post to something I've owned for more than five years later, you know the monsters got me. Please send a search and rescue party. Kthnx.


Update: No no no. I went down there, there is no sawdust, there is only one light, it's on the opposite side of the room from the washer and dryer. There's lots of graffiti on the wall like this was once a crazy party house. There's a door down there on the back wall and I had no idea where it went which frightened me (I have now realized it goes to the like, storm cellar slanted doors on the back of the house). There's a weird like, half wall I can't see what's on the other side of. There seem to be lots of abandoned clothes around the washer-dryer, which have I mentioned were shrouded in darkness because they're on the opposite side of the room from the single light? I couldn't bear to take a step out of the little pool of light into the semi-darkness of the rest of the room, so laundry will have to wait until a) I get a flashlight, b) one of my housemates is around, or c) I have some visitor like my brother or T who can go down with me and ensure that I'm not going to die some horrible death washing my jeans.  
Additional updates: So K told me to "man up" (there has to be a better way to say that to a woman, smh) and E laughed at my ridiculousness, so I decided to affirm my adulthood by going back down into the scary basement and trying this whole laundry thing again. And I went down and, lo and behold, discovered another light! Located conveniently directly above the washer and dryer. So my clothes are washing now, yay I have accomplished something today.

1 comment:

  1. lmao! That light could have easily been a pile of bones.. Good thing it wasn't though!!:P
